Clomixyl 50 mg Kalpa Pharmaceuticals


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Clomixyl today is one of the most popular drugs for regenerative therapy in bodybuilding. Clomixyl is more modern than the antiestrogen Nolvaxyl. Clomixyl for many years helps athletes recover from AAS cycles and does it very effectively. If you take Clomixyl at the recommended doses, the use of Clomixyl is completely safe for the athlete.

Clomixyl a synthetic estrogen, which, after entering the body acts on the estrogen receptors, and thus blocks the estradiol – the most potent estrogen, which is produced by aromatization process. It turns out that Clomixyl can eliminate all side effects that arise from the flavoring process. If we compare Clomixyl with other known anti-estrogen Nolvaxyl on PCT, the second is a more powerful and effective. To achieve the same result it is necessary to use large dosages of Clomixyl. It should also be said that the price of Clomixyl is less attractive for the majority of athletes than the price of Nolvaxyl.

Clomixyl, when used in the PCT, stimulates the pituitary gland to release more gonadotropin in acting on the arc of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes, and thus increases the amount of luteinizing hormone in the blood. In this way own testosterone is recovering faster than without using Clomixyl on the following course of therapy. After the cycle, rather than endogenous testosterone is normal, the better the results you will have after the course. Clomixyl dosage on the following PCT is of 100 mg per day for 2-3 weeks after a cycle of steroids.

If you will read the Clomixyl instructions carefully, then you will realize that the drug produces in the body a considerable number of different activities. At the same time, its main objective is to reduce the concentration of estradiol and restore production of the male hormone by the body. Highlighting the most important Clomixyl effects on the body:

1. The balance of cholesterol moves in the direction of high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol);

2. Increased production of testosterone in the body;

3. Blocks bad estradiol effects on the body;

4. Eexcretion of excess water from body.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Products pharmaceutiques Kalpa

volume de commande

Pacchetto (30 Comprimés)


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